Are you passionate about intersectional birth justice and align with the Empowered Birth Movement’s mission and core values? Our Fellowship fund covers 100% of the training fees for aspiring Maternity Peer Supporters/doulas.
Apply to join the waitlist for the next training cohort by emailing hello@empoweredbirthmovement.com sharing what draws you to birth work and what communities you will be able to serve best.
Do you want to be a Maternity Peer Supporter?
We believe birth workers should be representative of a diverse range of communities so that they can hold space that feels familiar and safe.
Some of the leading doula training organizations have the requirement that you have to be at least 30 years old and have given birth yourself to be “eligible” to be a doula. We have no such requirements. In fact, they go directly against our organizational values.
We don’t care about your organs. You don’t need to use a uterus to have empathy.
All types of people are needed here. Our Fellowship fund aims to fill this gap.
Upcoming Events
Please continue to check back for upcoming trainings, workshops, and events.